Panel 1 - Title: The Air Bubble Cleaner Panel 2 - Close up of small cluster of bubbles, some that dirty and dingy on the inside Panel 3 - A small creature flying towards the bubbles Panel 4 - Creature closerly inspects one of the dirty bubbles Panel 5 - Creature carfully climbs inside one of the dirty bubbles Panel 6 - Creature has made it inside the dirty bubble Panel 7 - It then starts to wipe down the bubble from the inside Panel 8 - It takes out a dust buster and vaccuums the remaing dirt till it is sparkling clean Panel 9 - Creature continues to cycle through cleaning more dirty bubbles Panel 10 - Close up clean bubbles, and pans out to two caves Panel 11 - Continue panning out, two cames are actually a happily sleeping child breathing in the fresh air Panel 12 - End Credits: illustrated & written by Oxleberry in 2007